Wednesday 22 June 2016

Polls Open in Britain’s Historic EU Referendum

Voting began Thursday in Britain’s historic election that by the end of the day will decide whether the country remains in the European Union.

As voters went to polling stations, public opinion polls showed the two sides in a dead heat.

Turnout was expected to be high, culminating a bitter, two-month campaign that centered largely on immigration, a highly sensitive and divisive issue in a nation whose immigration rate has doubled since 2000.

A final cry to remain in the EU

Prime Minister David Cameron has led the call to remain. On Thursday, he made a final pitch to convince undecided voters. “We are stronger, we are better off in a reformed European Union,” he said.

Cameron and other opponents of a Brexit say Britain’s economy will be badly damaged if it breaks away from the 28-nation bloc.

A woman reads a newspaper on the underground in London with a 'vote remain' advert for the BREXIT referendum, Britain June 22, 2016.
A woman reads a newspaper on the underground in London with a 'vote remain' advert for the BREXIT referendum, Britain June 22, 2016.

Cameron's political future riding on the Brexit outcome

Analysts say Cameron’s political future hangs in the balance depending on the outcome of the poll. The referendum is being held after Cameron in February failed to secure a deal with the EU that did more to restrict benefits on immigrants and curb business and other regulations.

If the voters’ decision Thursday is to leave the EU, pundits say Cameron will lose his mandate and have little choice but to resign, something the British leader has until now said he will not do.

Proponents of a Brexit also made last-minute calls to undecided voters Thursday.  Anti-immigration crusader Nigel Farage said “we can vote to get our borders back.”

People hold hands as they attend a special service for murdered Labour Party MP Jo Cox, at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain June 22, 2016.
People hold hands as they attend a special service for murdered Labour Party MP Jo Cox, at Trafalgar Square in London, Britain June 22, 2016.

Polls show the Remain proponents may have a slight edge

Polls showed the leave campaign lost some support following the murder on June 16th of anti-Brexit lawmaker Jo Cox. The killing, allegedly by a right-wing extremist with a history of mental health problems, prompted the temporary suspension of campaigns on both sides and caused many British voters to pause and reflect on the bitterness surrounding the vote.

“This referendum has been very divisive and I think that’s completely unnecessary. We ought to be able to work forward on issues of the economy and migration and security, those issues, without being so divisive,” said Kimberly Griffin, a Remain supporter attending a memorial for Cox Thursday at Trafalgar Square.  “We never should have had this referendum and I think this is a tragic consequence,” she said.

As the memorial was beginning and a friend of Cox was delivering a eulogy, an airplane, apparently hired by Leave supporters, passed over the square pulling a banner that read “Take Control @voteleave.”

It will not be entirely clear how much of an impact Cox’s murder will have until votes are counted early Friday.

London voter Maggie Hopkinson, attending the memorial, said she was still undecided. Asked what bearing Cox’s murder would have on her decision, she replied, “None whatsoever.  She was a beautiful person killed by a madman,” she said.

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via Voice of America

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