Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Obama Praises Clinton in First Joint Campaign Appearance

U.S. President Barack Obama joined presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail Tuesday, telling a crowd in Charlotte, North Carolina, that he wants to help elect her to be the next president of the United States.

Obama's own path to the presidency was marked by a hard-fought campaign against Clinton in Democratic Party primaries and caucuses eight years ago. The president said Tuesday that Clinton's preparation and endurance during the 2008 campaign forced him to stay prepared.

Despite their intense competition for the Democratic nomination, Obama said he and Clinton shared a common vision of America and still share a vision for the ideals necessary as the nation goes forward.

The president praised Clinton's record as his secretary of state, saying she did a "great job" as the top U.S. diplomat. He also praised her long advocacy for affordable health care and for championing policies that help American families.

With her long record of service in government, Obama said, "There has never been a man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton."

Clinton, in turn, saluted Obama's record as president in an address to a warmly supportive crowd in North Carolina. She said the two agree that America's best days are ahead.

She also discussed her policy priorities — to ensure that wealthy Wall Street firms pay their fair share of taxes, to punish companies that ship jobs overseas and reward those who share profits with American workers, and to reduce or eliminate the large debts that many U.S. students incur in the course of university education.

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via Voice of America http://ift.tt/29fu3MK

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